TAC Youth in Agriculture Scholarship
TAC offers $2,500 scholarships for two (2) Texas high school seniors to pursue further education related to the agriculture industry. We hope to lower barriers for the next generation of Texas producers to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to make them successful members of the community.
Applicants must be a graduating Texas high school senior.
Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Applicants must intend to pursue a career in agriculture.
Applicants must submit a completed application package, including unofficial transcript, completed scholarship GPA form, and completed scholarship application, in order to be considered for the award.
Students will be selected on the basis of their academic achievement, participation in extracurricular activities, short answer question responses, and demonstrated interest in an agriculture-related career.
Applicants must email completed application to info@txagconnection.com
The 2024-2025 application cycle is currently open! Email your completed application by April 15, 2025.